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Assessing Progress


SVCMS Assessment Framework


As a public school, there are assessments we are required to administer as part of our accountability requirements as a recipient of public education funding.  There are also assessments that we choose to administer because they provide valuable information to the guides, which informs instruction.   As a high-fidelity Montessori school, certain assessments that we elect to administer also provide insights about whole child development and the effectiveness of our Montessori practice and environments.   


SVCMS uses the National Center for Montessori in the Public Sector (NCMPS) Montessori Assessment Playbook as a resource of a method for collecting and documenting student growth and performance. The NCMPS Playbook articulates an assessment system that focuses primarily on the student and the student’s growth and development rather than performance on a benchmark at a specific moment in time; it takes a systemic lens to student progress rather than relying on episodic results.  

In the Upper Elementary and Middle School, mastery projects and culminating projects provide an opportunity to demonstrate third period understanding. As such, much assessment is embedded and ongoing at SVCMS.  We prioritize and value insights we receive from these well-established tools of the Montessori method.


Read the complete Assessment Framework here. 

Assessment Links


Assessment Framework

Exemption Process

SVCMS Major Assessments 24-25

SVVSD Assessment Schedule (tentative)


SVCMS Assessment Schedules



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