Support SVCMS on Colorado Gives Day!
What is it?
Colorado Gives Day is a 24-hour movement intended to promote charitable giving to non-profits local to the area where you live.
When is it?
December 10, 2024

Why participate?
It's a chance to increase the value of your donation, thanks to the over $1 Million Incentive Fund. Created by Community First Foundation and FirstBank, the fund increases the value of every dollar donated proportionally. For example, if we receive 10 percent of the total donations made on Colorado Gives Day, we will receive 10 percent of the Incentive Fund.
Colorado Gives also offers opportunities for our school to win additional cash prizes and several matching opportunities. Large or small, all donations help us get closer to our fundraising goal and the possibility of winning extra money.
All Colorado Gives donations count toward our annual fund.
How do I participate?
To donate to SVCMS on Colorado Gives Day, go to https://www.coloradogives.org/SVCMS/overview. Or, beginning November 1, donate early!
Colorado Gives Day is powered by ColoradoGives.org, a year-round website featuring more than 2,300 nonprofits. The site encourages charitable giving by providing comprehensive, objective and up-to-date information about Colorado nonprofits. It is an easy way to support SVCMS online, and even set up a recurring donation.