Montessori Education
“Only through freedom and environmental experience is it practically possible for human development to occur.”
– Dr. Maria Montessori
Montessori is a child-centered, developmental approach to education based on the groundbreaking work of Dr. Maria Montessori. Authentic Montessori education aims to foster autonomous, competent, responsible, and adaptable citizens.
St. Vrain Community Montessori School embraces the following essential Montessori principles:
Child Centered Education
Students form their education in a prepared environment that provides freedom to explore nearly unlimited topics of personal interest. The Montessori materials and lessons ensure core learning across the curriculum while encouraging students to pursue what fascinates them beyond that core.
The Prepared Environment
Montessori classrooms are well organized by curriculum area and meticulously maintained. Care of the environment, including restoring it daily to its original condition of beauty and order, is a shared responsibility of the classroom community. The Montessori materials are both inviting and accessible. They are beautifully crafted and appropriately sized for independent use by children.
The Role of the Guide
Having benefited from 100 years of refinement of the Montessori Scientific Pedagogy of education, the Guide functions as the designer of the environment. The Guide is an observer and, using observational skill, becomes a resource to match learner to knowledge. They adapt the environment for both individual students and the particular classroom community, to keep the children challenged and engaged. The Guide is the primary model of the core of the Montessori values of respect for self, others and the environment.
Educating the Whole Child
The Montessori Method aims to educate the whole child and enrich the life of each student. Educating the whole child means addressing not only their cognitive development, but also their social skills, emotional growth and physical condition.

Montessori education offers a rigorous course of study even in the elementary years. Language instruction combines phonics and whole language strategies with classical and contemporary children's literature. Reading and writing occur across the curriculum and grammar is introduced early. Math concepts are presented with a sequenced set of concrete materials which prepare the children for increasingly more abstract and advanced work. Art and music are often integrated into projects in the other curriculum areas. Practical life responsibilities and physical activity address the child's growth and development.
Universal values that include character development and peace are woven into the curriculum. Kindness, courtesy, self discipline, self respect and the merits of diversity within and among communities are taught and modeled in the classroom. Global understanding is reinforced by placing all curricula in the context of the interconnectedness of the world and its cultures. Children are inspired to contribute to the betterment of the world through service projects of developmentally appropriate complexity and spheres of influence in their individual, local and global communities.