Preschool Enrollment Current Status
Enrollment for the 24-25 school year has closed. Enrollment for 25-26 will open on December 2, 2024 at 8:00 am

Preschool Enrollment
Thank you for your interest in the Children’s House Preschool program at St. Vrain Community Montessori School.
Applicants for preschool positions for the 2025-2026 school year must be at least 3 years old upon enrollment. SVCMS participates in Colorado's UPK (Universal Preschool) program.
SVCMS offers full-day and half-day preschool options. Hours and age ranges are:
3 year-old Preschool Full-day Preschool: 8:30-3:30 M-F
3 year-old Preschool Half-day Mornings: 8:30-12:00 M-F
4 year-old Preschool Full-day Preschool: 8:30-3:30 M-F
4 year-old Preschool Half-day Afternoons: 12:30-3:30 M-F
Applicants are strongly encouraged to be potty-trained, with the ability to go to the restroom independently. Children must be able to express their needs and ideas to adults, as well as take directions from adults. If a child who turns 3 years old after October 1st submits an Intent-to-Enroll, a spot may be awarded. This will be considered a pre-3 year-old year for the student, and the student cannot attend until they are 3 years old.
Preschool Enrollment Process
Interested families who do not currently have a student enrolled at SVCMS are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with Montessori education and are required to attend a tour or informational meeting. Interested families follow these steps to enroll their children:
Parents/legal guardians may submit an enrollment form on the SVCMS website. The enrollment form becomes available each year on the first business day of December. All Children’s House applications will be time-stamped according to receipt by the SVCMS Registrar.
As positions become available in the Children’s House, applications will be considered in the following order:
Students presently enrolled in SVCMS Children’s House. Parents must affirm their desire to re-enroll their student for the following school year by the date published.
Siblings of children already enrolled in either SVCMS (K to 8th grade) or in the SVCMS Children’s House. Any sibling offered a position in the Children’s House program must enroll or forfeit their position within five (5) business days for the school year offered. If a sibling position is forfeited, a student may re-enroll under the general enrollment process. Preschool Applications must be received during Enrollment Window #1 (December 2nd-January 16th) to receive sibling priority.
Children or grandchildren of SVCMS staff, consideration may be given to full-time staff.
Children of current or former SVCMS Board members who completed at least one term, based on first come, first served.
All St. Vrain Valley School District (SVVSD) residents.
All non-SVVSD residents.
Notification of acceptance to the SVCMS preschool program will be in writing, and applicants will have five (5) days to complete an enrollment packet to secure a position in the preschool. A 10% non-refundable deposit of tuition will be due mid-February and/or on the due date of the enrollment packet. Another 10% of tuition will due by May 15. The remainder of the 80% due can be paid in ten monthly installments from August to May.
Universal Preschool
SVCMS participates in Universal Preschool (UPK) which funds half-day preschool for four year old preschool students (or "the year before their kindergarten year,"). Families with an offer of enrollment for a four year old preschool student will apply for Universal Preschool to receive this funding.
Admission of Preschool Students with Disabilities
Since SVCMS does not have an ECSE (early childhood special educator) endorsed educator on staff, we are currently unable to provide special education services to preschoolers with IEPs that call for services beyond those provided by a Speech Language Pathologists (SLP).
Enrollment Questions? Please contact
SVCMS Non-Discrimination Policy: SVCMS welcomes all students, recognizing diversity as a virtue. SVCMS prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, ancestry, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability or need for special education services. This enrollment policy is designed to meet the requirements of C.R.S. §22-30.5-104(3), ensuring access to the school for all, from academically low-achieving students to exceptional students, and including students with disabilities.