Special Education & Gifted/Talented Education
Special Education Program
We are committed to providing students with a Free and Appropriate Public Education in the Least Restrictive Environment possible in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
We serve students with diverse needs beginning in kindergarten. Our team consists of an onsite, licensed special education teacher and a highly qualified paraprofessional.

Additionally, St. Vrain Valley School District provides itinerant staff as needed for special services such as Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Services.
The special education team works closely with general education Guides to implement Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) within an authentic Montessori environment.
Gifted & Talented Program
The authentic Montessori environment at St. Vrain Community Montessori School naturally meets a wide range of student abilities. With mixed-age classrooms covering a three-year curriculum, multiple follow-up work options, individual pacing, and independent research projects as our standard practice, Guides have many opportunities to engage and support gifted students in academic work.
Our observation of children in the Montessori environment reveals that the greatest need for support for gifted students tends to fall in the area of affective goals such as motivation, perfectionism, or social relationships. We work with identified children to help them analyze their relative strengths in a variety of affective areas, then support them in developing a plan to strengthen skills they wish to enhance.
SVCMS follows statutory requirements for developing Advanced Learning Plans (ALPs) for each identified student. Students may be nominated for gifted identification by parents or Guides.