Student Data Privacy
SVCMS holds student data privacy and security in high regard and takes action to ensure that our students’ data is handled securely in compliance with the Colorado Student Data Transparency and Security Act (HB 16-1423), Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and the SVVSD Student Information Privacy and Protection Policy. SVCMS shares necessary personally identifiable information with third party platforms that are required for public schools or by the district as well carefully vetted third party programs that are specific to SVCMS. Personally identifiable information is shared via secure transfer methods that meet current industry best practices.
District & Public School Required Platforms
Digital Resource
Data Shared
Privacy Policies

Colorado Assessment Program
504 Status
Assistive Technology Information
Course ID

The Colorado Immunization Information System (CIIS) is a lifelong immunization record tracking system under the Colorado Immunization Registry Act of 2007. CIIS has signed agreements with all participating sites that are authorized to provide information to or access information from CIIS.
Full name
Primary Contact
Mother's name
Patient eligibility-
Clinic & Clinic Status
Jurisdiction Status

Infinite Campus is St. Vrain Valley School District's student information system.
Class associations
English Language Learner (ELL) status

MySchoolBucks is a website for parents to pay for their childs school meals using a credit or debit card.
Enrollment Status

Revtrak is the online webstore and payment vendor used in conjunction with Infinite Campus fees.
Free and Reduced Lunch
IC Person ID
Name (First & Last)

Unified Insights (from PowerSchool) is a comprehensive K-12 student data analytics platform.
504 Status
Assessments Scores
Class associations
ELL Status

WIDA develops and provides proven tools and support to help multilingual learners, and their educators, succeed.
Class associations
Parent Email
Name (First & Last)
Event invitations
Teacher Name
SVCMS Specific Platforms
Digital Resource
Data Shared
Privacy Policies
Boonli is a customizable, secure, time-saving software that transforms the way schools, workplaces and food service providers process orders and payments online.
Enrollment Status
Grade Level
Full Name
Parent/Guardian Contact Information
School Name
COMPanion Corp's library software, Alexandria is designed to inspire and foster a love of learning in library patrons of all ages andbackgrounds.
Name (First & Last)
An edublog is a blog created for educational purposes. Edublogs archive and support student and teacher learning by facilitating reflection, questioning by self and others, collaboration and by providing contexts for engaging in higher-order thinking.
Parent Email
Gmail is a web-based email program used by students in grade 6 and above.
Class associations
Name (First & Last)
School Name
SVVSD Username
SVVSD Student Number
Teacher Name
Google Classroom helps teachers save time, keep classes organized, and improve communication with students.
Class associations
Parent Email (for CH and UE)
Student Email (for UE & MS)
Student Name (for UE & MS)
School Name
Teacher Name
Google Docs allows you to create, edit, and collaborate with others on documents from an iPod, iPhone, or iPad with the free Google Docs app.
Class associations
Name (First & Last)
Teacher Name
Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom in math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Used by Upper Elementary and Middle School.
Class associations
Name (First & Last)
School Name
3rd Party Credentials (Google)
MJ Thomas is a non-educational service provider for school photos.
Grade level
Student Name (First & Last)
Student ID
Teacher Name
NWEA is a research-based, not-for-profit organization that supports students and educators worldwide by creating assessment solutions that precisely measure growth and proficiency—and provide insights to help tailor instruction.
Student ID
Student State ID
Name (First and Last)
Ethnic Group Name
Assessment Scores
QManager is a dismissal technology that generates instant reports on Absenteeism, Attendance, Roll Call, and Historical Data saving staff even more time.
Grade Level
Full Name
Parent/Guardian Contact Information
Authorized Pick Up
School Name
The Minnesota Executive Function Scale (developed by Reflection Sciences) is an early learning readiness assessment used with young children.
Student ID
Name (First and Last)
Ethnic Group Name
IEP status, if applicable
ELL status, if applicable
Assessment Scores
School Messenger developed the application Communicate for school communications and parent engagement.
Class associations
Parent Email
Name (First & Last)
Event invitations
Teacher Name
Transparent Classroom allows Montessori Guides to enter observations, hold the entire history of a child online, generate conference reports, customize lessons, and track information.
Name (First & Last)
Teacher Name
Zearn Math is based on Eureka Math / EngageNY and designed to partner with teachers to create a personalized learning experience for every student. Used by Middle School.
Name (First & Last)
Teacher Name